Monday, April 9, 2012


1. Heck yes.
2. Just kidding. I guess I'll explain number 1 first :) Yes! I absolutely love the blog idea. I love being able to  just go to my computer and get my work done and having the ability to read other's blog's really helps me learn and see what other's are doing. It's truly wonderful not having to print stuff out alllll the tiiime. It's a lot less work/time/money for us. 
I guess I kind of answered number 2 in that answer, but yes, I love not having to turn papers in. Again, saves time, it's so convenient, etc. Why not take advantage of modern technology? :) I <3 Blogs.
I love being able to read my peers blogs for many reasons. First of all, if I'm confused on what we're supposed to do I can check someone else's blog out a make sure I'm doing it right. Also, when it comes to solving problems via comments I think that was super helpful. Like when we said what we were having issues with and people could suggest ways to help. Very helpful! 
Overall, the whole blog thing is a wonderful idea for this class. Considering it's mostly based around new media, it just fits right in. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I love pinterest. It's just plain wonderful. It even has good design techniques!
The contrast on this website is vast, I love that it has a simple clean look with it's white background. Because of the whiteness, each picture has emphasis rather than having a colorful or busy background, then everything would blend. The only color you will see that isn't in a picture is the red title, which also shows its importance. I love the simplicity of this website because of the lack of color and the contrast.
 Alignment is also used very well. The pictures are in 4 columns but not grid-like, since they each different sizes. This works very well because everything is organized but without creating strain on the eyes.
Proximity! Everything that's important on this site are close together. This REALLY helped when I was new to pinterest. Right under the big title is the tool bar that takes you to all the different categories. Because of placement, it was the first thing my eyes went to. How simple!
Use of repetition is great too. Of course, there are a million and 2 pictures on pinterest, each different. But the boxes around each picture, even the placement of things in them and the font used are all the same. I don't think it would be very pleasing to the eye if they were random colors or were formatted different with each one.

SO pretty much, Pinterest is awesome. Bombdotcom. It does a good job of being appealling to the eye as well as the mind, being easy to use, and just AWESOME.