Tuesday, February 7, 2012

To whom it may concern: Dearest Mother, Yo Peeps!

To whom it may concern:
Let me begin with my sincerest apology for the tickets I have recieved. I'll admit, I was going a bit over the speed limit and I shouldn't have. But in each case of being pulled over, I was going with the flow of traffic, no more than 5 mph over, I'm sure of it. And I don't mean to undermind the ethic of the wonderful police officers of the area, but I also wanted to make known that the same police offier pulled me over each time, Officer Ida Dohntkare. Officer Dohntkare happens to be the mother of my ex boyfriend of 3 years, whom I broke up with last month. She knows my vehicle very well. I believe that my being pulled over rather than all the other cars around me going the same speed 4 times in one month by the same officer in very biased. Please take all of this into consideration when making your final decision. Whatever your decision shall be, I will understand.
Thank you for your time.
Kari Hilliker

Dearest Mother,
Let me just start by saying I love you so very much and thank you for raising me to be the strong person I am today. You're the most amazing woman on the earth. No joke. But I have some mildly bad news of little importance. Its really not a big deal. I got a ticket. Actually, a few. And, my liscence was taken away. Don't worry Mommy, I've got it all handled! I have a ride to school and I can pay for the ticket...s... I was going with the flow of traffic, and I'm pretty sure the cop has beef with me.. It was Riley Dohntkare's mom! I'm sure I can get The judge to drop the charge. Remember, I love you, you love me, you're my mother, you do not want to kill me right now. Right? Right. Well, I love you. Did I mention you're awesome? And.. I love you!
Your absolute favorite angel child!

Yo peeps!
Soo.. I got another ticket. ANOTHER ONE. What the crap! I know. Its crazy. I only go like 5 over. But who doesnt? Seriously, this is not my fault. I was so going with the flow of traffic. It was Riley's mom that pulled me over. I swear she's hunting me down since I dumper her poor little son! These tickets are bogus. And they look away my liscense! I better be able to get outta this. Thanks for your support peeps!
Love, your bff! <3

Ps. Kennedy is in this video. She is funny. "Hey girrrrrl!"


  1. Nice touch with the ex-boyfriend thing. That was pretty funny. I also liked your "ticket..s." It's really interesting how much the tone changes according to the audience.

  2. That is way funny I loved how you added all the ex-boyfriends stuff. I also really loved what you did in your letter to your mother. You got to soften them up before you tell them the bad news.
