Wednesday, February 1, 2012

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"Is Google Making Us Stupid?"

I really like this article because it has a very interesting arguement and is definitely a kairotic issue! And well, it was just darn entertainting. The authors intent here is to show that even though to internet is an awesome tool that can seemingly do everything for us at anytime, we may be losing our ability to think like normal and lose concentration because we expect the information we get to always be in the same form as the internet. It is quick and easy and to the point, you can search for exactly what you need. But if you're reading a book/encyclopedia to find to info you might get bored after a few minutes and give up because its just not as "easy." He says we can become machine-like, that when we rely on computers, "it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence."
Carr appeals to pathos a lot here. He basically just called us future robots, who wants that? When he uses the quote, "We are how we read," it makes me think. Am I really defined by how I read? Because I gotta say, I'm quite guilty of having a wee attention span. He also brings up that when we read online, we are just "mere decoders of information." Hey. I'm a person. With goals, intentions and needs. :P Hush. I also thought he used some other cool little tools like illusion. He says things like "the typewriter rescued him." This, and just the fact that he made the article pretty entertaining make it much more interesting to read.
I'd think that the audience would come to agree with the author's ideas here. Mostly because he appeals to pathos so much (people dont want to be robots), I would say this is a very effective arguement. It definitely made me see it in a way I had never thought before. Most people are worried about a zombie apocolapse, where the world will be stricken by some rancid desease and begin eating itself. What they SHOULD be worried about is a robot apocolapse. "Rrread some books!" And yes, yes that is a Nacho Libre quote.


  1. Heh heh. Nice title. I'm a little confused by what you mean by illusion, but I agree with a lot of your other stuff. This particular article reminded me of a discussion in my literature class last semester. My professor talked about how hand written letter writing is a lost art. The process use to write a letter and the process to type an email are super different. After that I tried writing a letter and it was way weird. It wasn't hard it was just really different. Anyway, good observations on this article.

    1. You're right! Now that you've pointed it out I'm pretty sure illusion is the wrong word. What is it called when you give an unliving thing a human characteristic? Like "the garbage can stood".

  2. I really liked your analysis on this paper. I felt that this paper did a good job in convincing the audience. Your right that they don't want to be robots, I for one really don't want to be a robot.
