Monday, April 9, 2012


1. Heck yes.
2. Just kidding. I guess I'll explain number 1 first :) Yes! I absolutely love the blog idea. I love being able to  just go to my computer and get my work done and having the ability to read other's blog's really helps me learn and see what other's are doing. It's truly wonderful not having to print stuff out alllll the tiiime. It's a lot less work/time/money for us. 
I guess I kind of answered number 2 in that answer, but yes, I love not having to turn papers in. Again, saves time, it's so convenient, etc. Why not take advantage of modern technology? :) I <3 Blogs.
I love being able to read my peers blogs for many reasons. First of all, if I'm confused on what we're supposed to do I can check someone else's blog out a make sure I'm doing it right. Also, when it comes to solving problems via comments I think that was super helpful. Like when we said what we were having issues with and people could suggest ways to help. Very helpful! 
Overall, the whole blog thing is a wonderful idea for this class. Considering it's mostly based around new media, it just fits right in. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I love pinterest. It's just plain wonderful. It even has good design techniques!
The contrast on this website is vast, I love that it has a simple clean look with it's white background. Because of the whiteness, each picture has emphasis rather than having a colorful or busy background, then everything would blend. The only color you will see that isn't in a picture is the red title, which also shows its importance. I love the simplicity of this website because of the lack of color and the contrast.
 Alignment is also used very well. The pictures are in 4 columns but not grid-like, since they each different sizes. This works very well because everything is organized but without creating strain on the eyes.
Proximity! Everything that's important on this site are close together. This REALLY helped when I was new to pinterest. Right under the big title is the tool bar that takes you to all the different categories. Because of placement, it was the first thing my eyes went to. How simple!
Use of repetition is great too. Of course, there are a million and 2 pictures on pinterest, each different. But the boxes around each picture, even the placement of things in them and the font used are all the same. I don't think it would be very pleasing to the eye if they were random colors or were formatted different with each one.

SO pretty much, Pinterest is awesome. Bombdotcom. It does a good job of being appealling to the eye as well as the mind, being easy to use, and just AWESOME.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


My biggest problem was organizing my paper in a logical way. I solved this by just getting all my information down on paper, then I split it up and pieced it back together in a way that makes sense. Then i made sure there were good transistions and everythign connected well.

Effective websites: (very easy to get around, definitely accomplishes what its trying to) (easy to use) (inviting, helpful and easy) (easy to use, cool features) (super hot, a wonderful idea for a website, just plain awesome)

Ineffective websites: (broken links, missing info) (I know this sounds terible, I have nothing against BYUI! Haha but my sister complains all the time how difficult the website is, well, USED to be. I think it's new now and more like ours)

These ones I found through google because I couldn't think of any others that I've visited that are crappy: (very cluttered, not very pleasing to the eye) (lightly colored font makes it hard to read)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our visit to the library.

The library website is kind of complex and has always been a bit on the difficult side for me, but that's because no one had ever really shown me around. But it's no easy "showing around". The place is like a mansion with 9 floors, 23 bedrooms, a labyrinth, and a spiraling staircase. But I think I've been given some good tours and might be able to remember where the spare-extra-guest bedroom and the pool are (In other words, I could probably get myself around without help). So since I've learned how to navigate on my own its been quite easy to find the information that I need. My area of difficulty that comes along sometimes is not finding articles, books, journals and other material that are specific enough to my topic. This doesn't happen all the time but when it does I feel like I'm way off base and just need a few pointers of how to narrow my wording.
Also, I learned that I'm quite savvy with an ipad.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I'm stuck in a rut.

I'm still stuck between 2 topics so I'll explain both and why I'm stuck.

My first topic of interest is how social media effects the quality of communication in relationships. Very often when trying to avoid confrontation people take advantage of new media like texting and facebook. I think people should avoid this use of communication because it could have harmful effects. Communication is SO important, especially in committed relationships. This one will probably have more research to find and directly relates to social media, but when the paper asked "Which one would be most interesting to read?" this isn't the one I though fit that criteria. I'm also in a marriage prep class and I'm sure my professor could help me out and direct me in where to find good sources for this.

My other one involves today's idea of perfection in beauty. Since this is the one I wrote down on that paper it got a little more developed. I took it into a few categories; plastic surgery, to need to not age, and young girls being affected by all of the above and more. I'm really passionate about the effects this has has the younger generation. There is so much going on that show young girls, not even teenagers yet, that they need to be hot and sexy, with high heels, big hair, skimpy skirts, 2% body fat, and 2lbs of make up. This quite honestly makes me sick. I have 2 younger sisters that I can already tell are/may be affected by what they see in media. I'm stuck here because I don't know what my question would be and I'm not sure if I could as easily find sources for this.

So as you can see, I'm in a rut. I don't know which one I like more, they both interest me A LOT. But i don't know which would would be more easily developed and has the ability to become the best paper. Help? :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

20 things to maybe, possibly write about. Maybe..

I have no idea what to choose...

 -dance in elementary schools
 -dance therapy
 -dance as a means of fitness
 -need for perfection in pro dance world (anorexia, etc.)
Social media
 -impact on grades
 -impact on social life
 -effects of overuse of social media on communication in a relationship
Movie critics
Age to get married
Importance of sports/arts in high schools
Illegal downloads, music, movies, etc.
Society influencing children at a young age to be "hot" and "sexy"
The effects of overuse of social media on communication in a relationship
"Above the influence" activities helping America's kids
Effect music/movies/video games REALLY has on listeners/watchers/players
Effects of divorce on children's future relationships
Stem cell research
Dystopian novels
Today's idea of perfection

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Things I will change and my favorite movies evah!

Three things I will change about my RA!

-bring the audience into each paragraph sooner

-think of the values of the audience and why these things are important to them specifically while analyzing

-cut out unnecessary words, phrases and sentences.

Best movies evah!

Courageous (It's new, its beautiful, go watch it.)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie (Yes, you read that right.)
Transformers movies (not so much the second one)
Live Free or Die Hard (Why are all the other DIe Hard's rated R? And still not as cool)
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (BEST MI of all)
Keith (girly movie)
Star Dust (SO GOOD.)
Princess Bride (a favorite of most mormons I've noticed haha)

Predicted Favorites:
 okay so most of those are books.. but they will be just as awesome in movie form!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I love you like a love song babeh! Dangit.. now that song's stuck in my head..

Warning! Spoiler Alert! If you have not read The Hunger Games, DO NOT READ further. Thanks. :)

1. Our love is like that movie... What's it called? Oh yeah, The Never Ending Story. Cuz it never ends..

2. I fell for you as hard as a guy on top of a ladder who just had a seizure.

3. I was so nervous my hands were shaking like Shakira's booty in that one music video :(

4. Our love is like a romatic movie, but not lamesauce ones like Another Cinderella Story or Twilight. Yeah, not those, those are lame.

5. I wanna hold you as tight as Katniss held on to her life when she dropped the tracker jackers nest on the Careers in attempts to kill them and got seriously injured herself but made it out alive and found Peeta and they won the Hunger Games together. Oh you haven't read it yet? :o Sorry.

Just thought I'd share this wonderfully hilarious picture that floats around pinterest. Yay for similies!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

To whom it may concern: Dearest Mother, Yo Peeps!

To whom it may concern:
Let me begin with my sincerest apology for the tickets I have recieved. I'll admit, I was going a bit over the speed limit and I shouldn't have. But in each case of being pulled over, I was going with the flow of traffic, no more than 5 mph over, I'm sure of it. And I don't mean to undermind the ethic of the wonderful police officers of the area, but I also wanted to make known that the same police offier pulled me over each time, Officer Ida Dohntkare. Officer Dohntkare happens to be the mother of my ex boyfriend of 3 years, whom I broke up with last month. She knows my vehicle very well. I believe that my being pulled over rather than all the other cars around me going the same speed 4 times in one month by the same officer in very biased. Please take all of this into consideration when making your final decision. Whatever your decision shall be, I will understand.
Thank you for your time.
Kari Hilliker

Dearest Mother,
Let me just start by saying I love you so very much and thank you for raising me to be the strong person I am today. You're the most amazing woman on the earth. No joke. But I have some mildly bad news of little importance. Its really not a big deal. I got a ticket. Actually, a few. And, my liscence was taken away. Don't worry Mommy, I've got it all handled! I have a ride to school and I can pay for the ticket...s... I was going with the flow of traffic, and I'm pretty sure the cop has beef with me.. It was Riley Dohntkare's mom! I'm sure I can get The judge to drop the charge. Remember, I love you, you love me, you're my mother, you do not want to kill me right now. Right? Right. Well, I love you. Did I mention you're awesome? And.. I love you!
Your absolute favorite angel child!

Yo peeps!
Soo.. I got another ticket. ANOTHER ONE. What the crap! I know. Its crazy. I only go like 5 over. But who doesnt? Seriously, this is not my fault. I was so going with the flow of traffic. It was Riley's mom that pulled me over. I swear she's hunting me down since I dumper her poor little son! These tickets are bogus. And they look away my liscense! I better be able to get outta this. Thanks for your support peeps!
Love, your bff! <3

Ps. Kennedy is in this video. She is funny. "Hey girrrrrl!"

Saturday, February 4, 2012

F o u n d P o e m s

“Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine.”
― Gordon B. Hinckley

       An attitude of Happiness.

       A spirit of Optimism.



     In the beauties of nature,
        In the goodness of those you

the testimony which you carry
your heart concerning things

-Gordon B. Hinckley

“Opposition turns up almost anyplace something good has happened. It can happen when you are trying to get an education. It can hit you after your first month in your new mission field. It certainly happens in matters of love and marriage. … There are cautions and considerations to make, but once there has been genuine illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Don’t give up when the pressure mounts. … Face your doubts. Master your fears. ‘Cast not away therefore your confidence.’ Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you.” -Jeffrey R. Holland

  turns up almost anyplace something
        has happened.

It can happen
 when you're trying
     to get an education.

It can hit you
  after your first month
    in your new mission field.

It certainly
            in matters of

There are
            considerations to make.

Once there has been a
   Genuine illumination

  the temptation to
    retreat from a good thing.

it was
when you
    prayed about it,
  Trusted it.
   Lived for it.


Don't give up
   when the pressure mounts.

  your doubts.
  your fears.

'Cast not away therefore your

Stay the course,
  See the beauty of life unfold for

-Jeffrey R. Holland


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ree tor ick ul un al is is :D

"Is Google Making Us Stupid?"

I really like this article because it has a very interesting arguement and is definitely a kairotic issue! And well, it was just darn entertainting. The authors intent here is to show that even though to internet is an awesome tool that can seemingly do everything for us at anytime, we may be losing our ability to think like normal and lose concentration because we expect the information we get to always be in the same form as the internet. It is quick and easy and to the point, you can search for exactly what you need. But if you're reading a book/encyclopedia to find to info you might get bored after a few minutes and give up because its just not as "easy." He says we can become machine-like, that when we rely on computers, "it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence."
Carr appeals to pathos a lot here. He basically just called us future robots, who wants that? When he uses the quote, "We are how we read," it makes me think. Am I really defined by how I read? Because I gotta say, I'm quite guilty of having a wee attention span. He also brings up that when we read online, we are just "mere decoders of information." Hey. I'm a person. With goals, intentions and needs. :P Hush. I also thought he used some other cool little tools like illusion. He says things like "the typewriter rescued him." This, and just the fact that he made the article pretty entertaining make it much more interesting to read.
I'd think that the audience would come to agree with the author's ideas here. Mostly because he appeals to pathos so much (people dont want to be robots), I would say this is a very effective arguement. It definitely made me see it in a way I had never thought before. Most people are worried about a zombie apocolapse, where the world will be stricken by some rancid desease and begin eating itself. What they SHOULD be worried about is a robot apocolapse. "Rrread some books!" And yes, yes that is a Nacho Libre quote.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


1. "You wouldn't laugh at a funeral. You shouldn't use your phone in class."
-These sentences aren't really related enough, so to show that they are supposed to be connected thoughts I threw in a semicolon.
"You wouldn't laugh at a funeral; you shouldn't use your phone in class."

2. "Although many students can't put their cell phones down, they shoulld be banned from class because it negatively effects grades, is a great distraction and it wastes time and money."
-Dear Affects/Effects, I always have a problem with you! TO AFFECT something, THE EFFECTS of something. Could you be more confusing.
"Although many students can't put their cell phones down, they shoulld be banned from class because it negatively affects grades, is a great distraction and it wastes time and money."

3. "Although many students can't put their cell phones down, they should be banned from class because it negatively effects grades, is a great distraction and it wastes time and money."
-My structure isn't parallel, "IT does this, this and IT does this. I took out the second IT.
"Although many students can't put their cell phones down, they should be banned from class because it negatively effects grades, is a great distraction and wastes time and money."

4. "I spent the majority of my time in Psych 111 last semester with my face in my smartphone."
-I used an abbreviation here, changin' it!
"I spent the majority of my time in Psychology 111 last semester with my face in my smartphone."

5. "I can't say I met a cute boy in the process of interacting with those around me, but I made friends, I got a really good grade, learned so much more than I thought possible, and I used my time wisely."
-Parallel structure, again!
"I can't say I met a cute boy in the process of interacting with those around me, but I made friends, I got a really good grade, I learned so much more than I thought possible, and I used my time wisely."

I really like peer reviews because I get to hear the opinions or real readers, BYU students. BUT! Because we didn't have much time for each paper, we could only get to the stuff that would help improve our essays, in other words, we could only say the bad things. Which is good for no ones ego. So with more time, I would love to do this again!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fun with Fallacies. (And some EPL)

The first thing that pops into my head when I think of fallacies is Abbott and Costello's famous "Who's on first?" sketch. The fallacy that this is a great example of is called equivocation. This little skit has always been absolutely hilarious to me, even after seeing it for the 500th time. This is a very humorous use of the fallacy. If you haven't seen/heard it yet, and you want a laugh, I highly recommend you read it. DO it!

Abbott: I say, Who’s on first, What’s on second, and I Don’t Know’s on third

Costello: Well then who is on first?
Abbott: Yes.

Costello: I mean the fellow’s name.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy on first.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The first baseman.

Abbott: Who!

Costello: The guy playing first base.

Abbott: Who is on first.

Costello: I’m asking you who’s on first!

Abbott: That’s the man’s name.

Costello: That’s whose name?

Abbott: Yeah.

Costello: Well go ahead and tell me.

Abbott: That’s it.

Costello: That’s who?

Abbott: Yeah.

Its just continues to go on and on with the hilariousness. This is a strong example of this fallacy because the actual names of the players just so happen to be interrogatory words as well. Hence, one term with two definitions that causes an extreme level of miscommunication. And entertainment :)

EPL! (ethos, pathos, logos)

Stating that he's a clergyman may give him a little bit of standing and cause trust.
 "First, I think it a right thing for every clergyman to set the example of matrimony in his parish."

Just by saying, "My dear cousin," he makes it more personal. If someone were to address me in such a personal manner it might cause me to trust them more.

Mr. Collins attacks emotionally here, very harshly I might add. This statement would most definitely evoke emotion and really cause her to think, "oh dear, he might be right."
"Consider that it is by no means certain that another offer of marriage may be made to you. You cannot be serious in your rejection."

His choice of words here is very flattering and can emotionally get to her. It sounds like a cheesy line to me, but can definitely draw out an "Awwwwww!"
"For, as almost as soon as I entered the house, I singled you out as the companion of my future life! But before I am run away by my feelings on this subject, perhaps it would be advisable for me to state my reasons for marrying."

Here, Mr. Collins appeals logically by saying why he has chosen her. It can also be an emotional angle when he speaks on his affections.
"My dear cousin, being, as I am, to inherit all this estate after the death of your father, I could not satisfy myself without resolving to choose a wife from among his daughters. And now nothing remains, but to assure you, in the most animated language, of the violence of my affections!?

He explains here that she fits the criteria asked by his patroness, so she must be the logical choice.
"And your wit and vivacity, I think, must be acceptable to her, when tempered with the silence and respect which her rank will inevitably excite."